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Student voice should never be restricted

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Since declaring my journalism and media studies major three years ago, I’ve learned a lot about working in media. No. 1, it’s not easy. No. 2, you can’t and won’t please everyone, so don’t waste your time trying.

Instead, what journalists should spend their time on is reporting accurate and insightful stories without silencing anyone’s voice in the process.

Too often, I’ve witnessed the personal agendas of journalists or higher ups get in the way of proper reporting. In objective news broadcasts, reporters have thrown in charged words of opinion like “stupid” and “moronic.” I’m sorry, I was taught even using words like “unfortunately” and “enlightened” were dangerous because they popped up a red flag of subjectivity. As I’m set to graduate this May, I vow to bring real objectivity to the world of news, to the best of my ability, as do my fellow journalism classmates — and I hope to God that makes a difference.

Now one section within newspapers in which opinions should not be stifled is the Opinions page, as its title suggests. This section is a breath of fresh air once in a while from all the straightforward, hard facts. Knowing that a student’s opinions can be thrown away and that decisions can be influenced by a political agenda is sickening.

I pray these problems in the media world and in the world at large improve. We as students have rights to our voices, especially in what’s supposed to be our student newspaper. But the problem won’t fix itself, and pretending there isn’t a problem definitely won’t get us anywhere.

Habeeba Husain is a School of Arts and Sciences senior majoring in journalism and media studies and religion with a minor in digital communication, information, and media.

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