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SIMPLE SCIENCE: How bandages help heal wounds

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Bandages have long been used to heal wounds, although some people believe leaving wounds open to the air is more beneficial.

Wounds are considered to be breaks in the skin, allowing germs to enter and cause infection. To heal a wound, blood clots in the open area to stop the bleeding and form a scab, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine website.

Scabs protect the tissue underneath from getting infected. Over time, tissues rebuild and new skin forms, releasing the scab and showing light colored skin, according to the site.

Uncovered wounds form scabs, which require healthy cells to form underneath it in order to start healing the wound. Covered wounds do not do this, bringing healthy cells together faster, according to the website for Band-Aid.

Uncovered wounds have a high chance of scarring and re-injury, while covered wounds protection from scarring, infection and re-injury, according to the site.

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