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Open your horizons to K-dramas with these Netflix picks that are bound to entertain

Like "Squid Game?" The next four shows on your Netflix watchlist should be these underrated K-dramas. – Photo by Dima Solomin / Unsplash

POV: It’s fall 2021, you open Twitter, and the first 20 posts all revolve around the most streamed Netflix show of all time: “Squid Game.”

At one point, it was impossible to go online without seeing memes or reviews of the series all over your timeline. The show took the world by storm with its thrilling twists and all-star cast, and it was the first Korean drama, or K-drama, that many people watched.

But “Squid Game” is just scratching the surface when it comes to the vast world of K-dramas out there, and it's one that's filled with a little something for every kind of viewer. But if you're looking for something specific, the K-drama world has everything from apocalyptic fantasy series to thrillers and mysteries to rom-coms.

Let’s break down some incredible K-dramas that will have you hooked from the very first episode. 

Our Beloved Summer

This is a romance series that you won’t want to miss out on! Even if you’re not big on the genre, this is as cute as they come. "Our Beloved Summer" stars Choi Woo-shik, from "Parasite," and Kim Da-Mi, from “Itaewon Class,” opposite one another as two rivals who film a documentary together in high school and flash forward 10 years to see how their lives have changed.

Surprise! They dated in the time between and, as angsty exes, have a lot of unresolved feelings to work out. 

A lot of romantic K-dramas have a peaceful, playful atmosphere to them, while also getting you in your feelings, and this is the perfect example.

The characters are easy to love, and the romance is fun and fresh. It’s easy to get lost in the world of the protagonists, Choi Woong and Gook Yeon-Soo, not only for the top-tier acting and compelling storyline but also due to the immersive soundtrack that will transport you right to their doorsteps. 

My Name

If you love action thrillers, there’s no better pick than 2021’s “My Name.” Han So-hee carries this series as Yoon Ji-Woo, a girl seeking to avenge her dead father as she infiltrates the police under the wing of a crime ring leader. Every episode is stacked with mystery as Yoon gets closer to getting revenge for her father’s death, and it’ll have you at the edge of your seat as she untangles each clue.

This series has everything — from a bada** protagonist to well-executed fight scenes to complex relationships — and it’s only eight episodes long.

This Netflix drama manages to fit a whole detailed story into a small amount of time, and yet, we learn so many complex details and get to know the protagonist very well. Even the ending, which will leave you with lots to think about, feels like it wraps everything up in a satisfying way, leaving little else to be desired. 


It’s hard to describe just how exciting this series is. Not only is "Vincenzo" a great mix of crime, drama and comedy, but it’ll also have you watching in suspense the entire time. “Vincenzo” has twists and turns that will make your jaw drop.

Song Joong-ki as Vincenzo and Jeon Yeo-been as Hong Cha-Yeong make the perfect pair to lead this hilariously intense show that’s dark and dangerous, yet entertaining and gripping at every moment. As you get further into the series, you’ll see just how many small details and dynamic relationships come together to make every episode unique and unforgettable. 

Although this definitely isn’t the number one drama to watch if you’re just looking for romance, for the romantics at heart, there is a special bond between Vincenzo and Hong Cha-Yeong that adds a new layer to the show and makes the duo even more interesting to watch together. If you love curveballs and surprises, action and drama, all topped with a healthy dose of humor, this is a great show for you.


With “All of Us Are Dead,” a new zombie-focused K-drama, gaining attention right now, it’s impossible to forget all of the iconic zombie K-dramas of the past. One of the most legendary is something for the period piece lovers: “Kingdom.” This series centers on a plague spreading across a kingdom while its prince, other royals and regular citizens must grapple with the sickness, alongside political drama and intrigue.

Ju Ji-hoon, from "Jirisan," and Bae Doona, from “The Silent Sea,” depict the horrific and passionate emotions involved with the plague spreading in an incredible way, only making “Kingdom” that much more engaging. 

The show is well-written with some intensely memorable moments, and it raises some important questions about morality and loyalty that make the zombie genre so interesting. "Kingdom" is an original take on the zombie apocalypse concept with a unique setting, while also relating to and discussing relevant politics.

It’s a series for anyone who loves zombie flicks, but it’s also a great choice for non-lovers to try. With many other elements at play, like the characters' personal relationships against a historical background, this may just be the first zombie show for you! 

All of these shows have one thing in common: They’re a must-watch. While each of these shows falls into a wide range of genres, each one of them is special and captivating in its own way. Once you step into the exciting world of K-dramas, there’s no going back.

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