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U. announces cancellation of cable services on campus

Rutgers stops cable access in campus spaces due to a shift in viewership.  – Photo by Matej Virizlay

On Tuesday evening, the University announced plans to discontinue cable television service to University-managed spaces starting in January 2024, according to a University-wide email.

The University acknowledged that students who rely on cable television may encounter financial barriers with streaming platforms and attached a list of streaming options that are free or discounted for students. To receive the discount, students must show proof of current enrollment, according to the email. The decision does not affect students currently using streaming services.

Additionally, Rutgers will introduce Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) in public University spaces, such as residence hall lounges. IPTV, which launched last month, is available across all Rutgers campuses through the Streeme TV application.

The email cites a recent shift in viewing patterns toward streaming services as the reason behind the decision. Money saved from the discontinuation will go toward improving WiFi connectivity in all campuses, according to the email.

Students who require further guidance to transition from cable television to streaming may contact the OIT help desk.

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