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Rutgers surgeon fires back at NRA tweet with #ThisisMyLane

Stephanie Bonne, trauma surgeon at Rutgers-Newark University Hospital, appeared as a panelist on The Dr. Oz Show following the viral success her hashtag (#ThisisMyLane).  – Photo by Twitter

It was a Sunday afternoon in November when Stephanie Bonne, a trauma surgeon in the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School department of surgery, opened her Twitter to a post telling her and everyone she works with that gun violence is not their problem.

The National Rifle Association (NRA), in reference to findings of an in-house study, tweeted that half of the articles published in the medical journal “Annals Of Internal Medicine” feature opinionated voices from doctors supporting gun control.

”Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane … the medical community seems to have consulted NO ONE but themselves,” the tweet read. 

Peeved and a little bit angry, Bonne responded with her experience working under the effects of gun violence using #ThisisMyLane, which would later transform into #ThisisOurLane

“My lane: a resident, watching my mentor desperately try to save a 6 year old accidentally shot by his brother. When he knew it over, he stopped, held the boys hand and wept at the OR table as he died,” she wrote in the tweet.

Less than 24 hours later, thousands of people liked and retweeted her post. Those within the medical community shared the hashtag with photos and videos of their experiences working with gun violence: including blood trails smeared on hospital floors, fragmented bullet remains and bloodied scrubs. 

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